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What is Pre-Construction?

As the name suggests, pre-construction is what comes before construction. It’s the planning phase, in which home designer, and the client work together closely. It’s all about making sure everyone is on the same page with the vision for the completed project. Pre-construction activities include refining the design of the home, establishing timeline expectations, providing cost estimates, and troubleshooting any potential construction issues. This phase typically involves several meetings with designers and clients, as well as a lot of back-and-forth communication. To put it in construction terms, the pre-construction phase is like the foundation of a home. It sets up the stability of the entire project.

Why is the Pre-Construction Phase Important?

Why is solid pre-construction management important? There’s no overstating it: pre-construction is essential to the success of any construction project. In this phase, we begin by evaluating the home design for constructability and refining it if we encounter any potential problems. Now, imagine if you didn’t identify a problem that was going to render the entire project impossible to build? Then, of course, you have the benefit of setting expectations. Any construction professional can tell you that client expectations can quickly get out of hand during construction. It’s understandable — you’re excited about your new home — but in pre-construction, we can mitigate this issue by laying out clear timelines and cost estimates. We also find all your subcontractors and source equipment and building materials as part of the pre-construction process. Taking care of these essential to-dos before construction begins saves on time, money, and stress.

Main Outcomes of Pre-Construction Planning

  • Scope. All involved parties will understand the project in its entirety.
  • Budget. The estimated project budget after pre-construction is over.
  • Team. Who will build this home? Who will oversee them? And who will the subcontractors be?
  • Timeline. Set specific deadlines for each phase of the home building project.
  • Details. Look at details like layout, building materials, the overall style of the home, and more.
    • Design
    • Permitting
    • Site testing
    • Scheduling
    • Code compliance